work in dreams. Three of the reports are statistical surveys, attempting
to detect relationships between life styles and dream styles.
One is an experimental questionnaire that you can try out on
Research and experimentation do not deal simply with collecting facts alone. Sometimes they also involve a search for truth. With regard to dream research, our Journal encourages searching for the truth that lies behind the meaning portrayed in dreams. A rather unusual example of experimentation into the meaning of dreams is offered in "Fish for the Book of Dreams." An ongoing research venture at the heart of the meaning of our Journal is the "Sundance Experiment," together with our "Subscribers Dreams." We encourage you to see what truth you find in this continuing project and let us know! As with your involvement with dreams, your participation and feedback are crucial to keeping the Community Dream Journal functioning properly. See the fine print in the "Notices" section to discover some prizes we offer for your help. ![]() 148