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to  the  second  space and say ..." and  so  on,  all the way
around.  I  thought  to myself that there is  no way  a child
can do that alone and know what and when to say it. Then
I  look closer and see  the words  on the wheel and realize
that after the adult gets the child started, if the child does
one step at a time,  the child could  make  the whole circle
alone. Then  I  see children  and  leaders  outside playing,
dancing  and  singing every game  I  had ever  known that
forms a circle.

     (Dream  2)  I  am  shown  how  to  place objects  in  my
bedroom before  going to bed.  When  I awaken they have
formed  a  round mold or stamp.  This is my dream record.
Then  I  take this mold  to  a  man and  he  wires it up to a
machine  and  the EKG needle puts  it on tape.  Then  it is
put on video tape for people to drop  in and see when they
wish. When  I  leave  I  take my  personal mold  but leave
behind  other  information  on  file  for  others.  The  three
recordings are different  and may not be important except
to certain ones. They are neither positive or negative-just
(B.P.,Charlotte, North Carolina)

     I am a trapper in the early days,  going with a group of
Indians  into  the  misty mountains  in  the  early  spring. I
say,   "But  it's   April  15—Tax   Day!"  thinking  this  an
inappropriate   day   to  leave   the   settlements.  But  the
Indians clearly feel that this is White Man's business and
has  nothing  to  do  with  them.   We  are  all  wrapped   in
blankets and  riding horses.  They  explain  that  we  must
light  no  campfires,  make  no smoke,  so as not to arouse
the    spirits   of    the   mountains.    Early   spring   seems
necessary  to  make this venture  and  hiding in the mist is
also necessary. I look ahead across an  open meadow and
see   various  kinds  of  trees   in   the  sunlight   in   bright,
unnaturally garish autumn colors.
     I  am  a  young  Indian  boy  with  other  men  and boys,
underground,  undergoing  the  training  for  the  ritual for
entrance  into  manhood.  This  consists  of following in my
father's footsteps, with my right hand on his right shoulder,


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