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The emphasis  is  placed  on  mass unity  and "love," with
generation  and  exploitation  of sexual energies, and with
physical  "free love" encouraged.  Everyone  is becoming
enthusiastic  and  joining  the  movement.  I  ask  a  friend
what    he  thinks  about   it,   stating   that   I  think   it   is
frightening  how  everyone  is  caught  up  in  it.  He  looks
directly  at  me  and  says,  "Oh,  but  it's true!"  I  have a
sickening  feeling  and realize there  will be persecution of
those   who   do  not   join   in,  considering   them  anti-pro-
(G.A.B., Virginia Beach, Virginia)

     I'm   going   to   a  school   or  academy.   I  see  what's
happening  to  the others there.  Some  are being seduced,
others  brainwashed.   Then  there  is  a  large  dark  area.
There   is  a   floodlight  at  the  back  making   everything
appear  in  silhouette.  I  see  a  girl running,  then  a great
spindly  legged  spider  chasing  her.  The  spider  is  me. I
catch her, we roll over several times struggling.
     The school seems to  be  for  executives  and  heads of
companies.  Then  it's  time to go home.  There have been
subtle changes worked  on  the students.  One has a great
limousine.  His  driver  asks  about  the  driving.  He says,
"No , let  someone  else  drive."   I'm   thinking  that  this
signifies some sort of sinister conspiracy.
     I'm   at   my  own  company  at  the  board  of  directors
meeting. I present the plan that has been given me. There
is  a   great  book  placed   on   the  table.   It's  connected
together  and  folds  out  in  such  a  way  that  each  board
member  has  before  him  a  picture  of  his portion  of the
company  and  a  blank page.  The pages  are gray or very
pale brown.  I  tell  them  I've  learned to have everything,
all the records and accounts, in one book. I ask for a vote.
Some applaud  and  some say no.  I  say,  "This is the way
it's going to be."
(D.G., Lititz, Pennsylvania)

     (Dream 1) I am observing a mother or a teacher with a
six-year-old child.  The  adult  is  showing the child  how to
turn a wheel:  "In this first space,  you say...and  then turn


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