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Henry Reed, Ph.D.



      This  experiment  in dreaming,  conducted  through
the   mail,   contains    the    research   origins   of   our
Community  Dream Journal.   Since  many  people  have
requested access to the tools used in the project,  some
of  these will be presented  in  the  journal,  along with
results from  the  project which may be of interest.  But
the project also has a story which is conveyed here.  It
may suggest ideas  for future experiments  that may be
attempted in our journal community.

The Background and Purpose of the Project

      Many  people  had  contacted  the  A.R.E.  asking  for
projects   that  would   help  them  better  understand  the
experiences they had in meditation or in their dreams. In
response   to  this  need,  the  A.R.E.  formed  a  research
committee to design appropriate projects.
    The scientists on this committee began with the stated
commitment to serve the needs of human spiritual values
in  the  research  methodology  itself.(1) Searching  with
this committee for  a way  to tackle this challenging idea
within science,  I dreamed of a "research dance" in which
a  large   group   of   us   discover   our   desired   research
methodology   in  our  dancing  together— a  dance   which


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