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to his level of development at the moment.
      The  third way  of healing is "the best way."  The  Old
One takes my hand and pulls  me  out  of  my  body  as he
pulls  himself  out  of  his body.  We  can  see  our  statues
below  us,  empty, but  standing  and still.  We  are  only  a
few  feet  above  the  physical.  The  Old One presents me
directly to God,  the Great One— an all-impregnating and
penetrating Light without form and shape, but identifiable,
warm, loving, tender,  knowing, caring, strong and total. It
is  ALL  THAT  IS.  This  Force  flowing  through,  in  and
around me is so beautiful that I cry with joy.
      We are back in our statues.  The shock  is  a  cold and
somewhat barren feeling.  The Old One  smiles  at me and
impresses in my mind that the experience is one of taking
the person directly to God.  The healing of God  is  a total
healing for the rest of the physical existence of the person
experiencing it.  He lets  me know that  not all persons are
ready  for  this type of healing,  and  only the "worthy" can
be healed in this manner. The worthiness involves a set of
emotions  which  are difficult  to  put into words,  except to
say  that  the person has  to  have developed  to  the point
where he can perceive and receive that  which is the Total
of All.  The determining factor  is  the ability to receive. It
would be in vain,  in  fact detrimental,  to  pull  just anyone
into an experience of this Oneness.
      I am shown that individuals can do this for themselves,
but  that  they  are often  not aware of it until shown. Once
having been shown,  they  would  never  again  become  ill,
for  they  would  be  able  to pull themselves into the force
for rejuvenation  and  healing  whenever  needed.  I  know
that this is the "Fountain of Youth."


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