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    I then proceed to the next stage, which might be termed
an "unveiling of the mysteries of healing."
     The older medicine man is preparing to leave the earth
and I am to take his place, so he is preparing the rites and
giving  me  the  instructions.  I  am  taught  "true  healing"
and,   although   there   is   no   actual  distinction  made,  I
experience it as three different types.
      The first method:  I  am  shown  healing through ritual,
dance and herbs,  all of which  are aimed  at the healing of
the body on a physical basis.  This is termed  a "good way
of healing"  and is the method that  is to be  used for most
people,  as  they  are  on  this level  of comprehension and
can understand and receive healing best in this way.
      The second method: I am taught to heal with lightning,
"the better way of healing."  The older medicine man who
is  showing  me  the  mysteries passes  his  hand  over  my
eyes and  I can now look at a person and see his lightning.
The body-flesh,  bone and musculature-seems translucent,
and courses of lightning can be observed flowing along the
backbone,  trunk, head, legs and arms.  This lightning is of
a  vivid,  white color,  and  I know that this is the  "Tree of
Life" on the physical level.
  Now the Old One impresses much into my consciousness
without words.  He bestows  on  me  the knowledge that in
illness  these  zig zags  of  lightning  have dimness in some
areas  and  that they can be rejuvenated by my thought.  I
can look at the lightning and release lightning from myself
to  unite with  and  intensify the beauty  of the  lightning in
the other person.  If  I find  the  lightning thoughts hard to
come by,  I can take my right index finger, follow the path
of  the  patient's lightning,  and  transmit my lightning [not
mine   actually,   but   All   Lightning]   to   the  ill   person.
Sometimes  using  the  finger  is  easier  for  me and more
effective   for  the  other  person   than  thought  alone.  It
depends on me, the other person and our mutual situation.
I am told that there is a serious responsibility to weigh the
varieties  of  healing  activities  against  the  needs  of  the
individual.  It  is  expected that  I will psychically perceive
that which  will  help the individual  personality,  according


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