through me. On
this occasion the healing
vibrations awakened me, and a few
moments later my
sleeping husband began humming the
hymn that had
been sung by these individuals. It was
such a blessed
moment that I cried.
I repeatedly experienced
waves of electrical healing
vibrations while sleeping,
and occasionally while
awake. (This still happens sometimes.) The
voice that
guided me in my dreams began to guide me while I
awake. Through trial and error
I learned to follow its
guidance; for I experienced problems when
I chose to
disregard the advice.
Today, to the
best of my ability in evaluating
condition, I no longer
suffer from my "incurable"
diseases. Within a year of my first
vision, most of my
maladies had gone, and since
then I have rarely
experienced an old symptom. I don't want
to give the
impression that my experience has left
me perfected,
for I have been tempted at times to fall back into my
negative patterns. However, my
healing experience
opened a channel of contact with the inner voice that has
continued to guide me in reshaping
my attitudes and
diet, as well as to lead
me into religious studies and
activities, meditation, artistic creativity,
writing and
opportunities to work as a healing channel.
As a final offering in
my testimony, I would like to
share a dream that I
had five years after my initial
experience. It came at a time when I
was beginning to
discover that I had the ability
to heal others, and it
effectively relieved me
of my doubts concerning
whether or not to develop and apply this ability.
I think
the dream makes a fitting ending
to my story, as it
expresses well how healing activity is One with us All:
I am an Indian medicine man, about to
receive what
might be termed an initiation. To prove
my powers and
worthiness, I have to disappear and examine
a distant
spot of terrain, or another tribe, or a set ofcircumstances.
I then have to reappear and
give a description of my
observation. Scouts are then sent out
to confirm what I
described. I have seen true and
pass this portion of the