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Every issue of the
magazine, Venture Inward, contains my book column. I have placed them here, because these essays on books contain as much about me--my personal
experiences and viewpoints--as they do about the books. I have used several of them in my
teaching. You can browse through them, print them out, share them, as you wish.
The PK man: A true story of mind over
Author: Jeffrey Mishlove
Publisher: Hampton Roads
A Story
Stranger than Ripley
It is the story of Ted Owens (1920-1987), who had such incredible
psychokinetic (PK) ability that he could cause lightening to strike at a
moment’s notice at any target he designated.
Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach
Author: Alan Chips
Publisher: EIH Publishing
Hypnosis Can
Be a Good Suggestion
Hypnotherapists are becoming the new transpersonal priests. People
are now drawn to the idea of being able to help others use hypnosis to contact
their higher mind for guidance and healing.
Thinking with your soul: Spiritual intelligence and why
it matters
Author: Richard N. Wolman, Ph.D.
Publisher: Harmony Books
What's Your
Spiritual IQ?
Spiritual intelligence is the human capacity to ask ultimate questions
about the meaning of life, and to simultaneously experience the seamless
connection between each of us and the world in which we live.
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the
Practice of Medicine
Author: Larry Dossey, MD
Publisher: HarperCollins
Where’s the
Free Will in Prayer Healing?
If we can be helped by prayers, we can be harmed by the mental
negativity of others, even when we do not know they are being negative toward
us, even when we are safely in our own homes, even when we are minding our own
business. Sounds to me like an invasion of free will, a bruise to my autonomy,
an assault on my integrity.
Captain of my ship: Master of
my soul
Authors: Skip Atwater
Publisher: Hampton Roads
A Spiritual
Perspective on Remote Viewing
Atwater’s tone is down to earth, personable, and reassuring. Reading
the book makes you feel that you, too, can realize your connection with “All
That Is,” to know your spiritual identity, to realize your purpose for this
lifetime, and to gain the necessary guidance for the next step of your
Return to Salem
Author: Alex Marcoux
Publisher: Harrington Park Press
Unmasking the
Recalling a past life, even a series of past lives is not the same as
awakening to the consciousness of the soul who has acted in those past lives.
PowerHunch: Living an Intuitive Life
Author: Marica Emeryl, Ph.D.
Publisher: Beyond Words Publishing
Living the
Intuitive Life is an Adventure
The advantage of letting your intuition be natural, and unconscious,
is that you don’t have to think about such things. But when you begin to
practice intentional intuition, trust becomes an issue.
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