Every issue of the
magazine, Venture Inward, contains my book column. I have placed them here, because these essays on books contain as much about me--my personal
experiences and viewpoints--as they do about the books. I have used several of them in my
teaching. You can browse through them, print them out, share them, as you wish.
Monistic Idealism Creates
Confidence In Your Consciousness
How do you view reality? Amit Goswami's book, The Self-Aware Universe: How
Consciousness Creates the Material World (Tarcher/Putnam), applies paradoxes gleaned from
quantum physics to revive a way of understanding the age old question of "What is
Inside and Out, Boomers are
Spiritual Seekers
What does the boomer generation hold near and dear? If you
were born between 1946 and 1964 or want to understand those who were, Professor Wade Clark
Roof has compiled the results of a massive study in A Generation of Seekers: The
Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation (Harper San Francisco).
Shall Science Undergo a Sex Change
Has a predominant masculine focus blurred our vision of science for centuries? This is the
message in Lifting the Veil: The Feminine Face of Science (Shambhala) by biochemist
Linda Jean Shepherd, Ph.D. New visions and understandings are available if we choose to
open to the feminine in all of us.
Call for Prophecy: Will the Future
Rescue Itself From the Past Without War?
How will you face the future? With knowledge and foresight or screaming and kicking? Ingo
Swann presents a vision and a helping hand in Your Nostradamas Factor: Accessing Your
Innate Ability to See into The Future (Simon & Schuster).
If there's to be healing, then
certainly we shall not survive intact
In The Healing Path: A Soul Approach to Illness
(Tarcher/Putnam), Marc Barasch makes a compelling case for the ancient homeopathic secret
that illness itself can be a cure.
Reality Isn't What it Used to Be
Another way of looking at "reality" might be to examine "what is true, and
what is false." If reality isn't a fixed thing as our current paradigm insists,
then whole new types of realities spring forth. These different worlds are explored in New
Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science, edited by Willis Harman of the Noetic Sciences
Mayan Cosmos Mirrors Your Creation
Archaeologists David Freidel and Linda Schele's interpretation of the
symbols in Mayan
glyphs present the Mayan philosophy and lifestyle and note correlations between some of
today's spiritual philosophies and that of this ancient culture.
Past Lives Present Learning
Opportunities Today
Henry Bolduc, winner of the International
Hypnosis Hall of Fame 1994 award for best writer, makes the statement "You don't have
to take a stand on past lives in order to benefit from information the unconscious
provides." What is important, it seems, is that you learn from having the experience.
Have We Met the Anti-Christ?
Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor of Historical
Theology and the History of Christianity at the University of Chicago takes us on a
journey of Judaeo-Christian debate and displays insight into the ways we have embodied
evil in our spiritual lives.
The Spirituality You Can Recover
from Dreaming
Shelly Marshall's book Your Dream of Recovery:
Dream Interpretation and the 12 Steps (A.R.E. Press) provides tools to help us understand
how spirit speaks to us in dreams, to help us to release ourselves from our attachments.