resembling a flounder. He has gills on his side and little
flaps like flags growing from his temples. He is gulping
in air, as fish do, speaking multisyllabic words sounding
highly intellectual. The sight astounds me. The baby's
mother is sitting next to the fishbowl, nonchalantly
knitting. Nothing seems strange to her. I cry out to her,
"Your baby's head is on the body of a fishhe is a fish!"
But the mother responds, "It is quite natural for infants
to start out as fish and grow into humans. Kittens go
through the same process, starting out as fish and
growing into cats."
(C.F., Berkeley, California)
![]() I'm backstage cleaning up where a movie production is going on. I'm watching some of the production. The theme of the movie is, "Going to Shangri-La." There is a Jesus figure leading a group of common, ordinary folks. I'm surprised that such people would be led to Shangri- La. I then become aware of a lamp that is on a table near me. The light is on. The base of the lamp is of a white, marble-like substance in the form of a large fish. Although the fish seems immobile, I know that in another dimension the fish is very much alive, aware of me and moving at a very high or fast vibrational rate- so tunelessly it moves, that from my dimension I can't even perceive it. I then put on some turtle-shell shoes that I find on the floor. I know that the turtle shoes are also alive in that other dimension. I kick off the right shoe, like a youngster with abandon, and I'm suddenly shocked awake. (L.H., Princeton, New Jersey) ![]() 261