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I am standing and looking at a brilliant star. A voice says, "That's the Virgin Mary." I say, "That's not the Virgin Mary, that's PLUTO!" Then Pluto speaks, "I am the Virgin Mary and Pluto. For ages, my star (psyche) has been suppressed that man might develop reason and rationality. But now my star is in ascendancy again." (This is a very bad "translation" as these words were heard and not spoken.) Then immediately I am impressed with an inordinate amount of knowledge and information and ideas: that most men had misinterpreted this influence or impression and had repressed women along with their negative pole; of the primitives' subjectivity and psychism; of the birth of intuition—reason and psyche joined; of Isis Unveiled, Persephone, the barrenness of the earth until Persephone/Psyche returns to bring spring and life; the spiritual sun and psyche's relatedness/responsiveness; and of things I cannot now remember or explain. And all this with the feeling of wonderful joy.

(J.B.C., Lake Charles, Louisiana)

I'm lying in bed when I feel half—the top—of my body being pulled up and out of my physical body, a strange, light sensation. But my legs and feet hold me there; so I'm aware of a pivotal swaying. Then I'm in the air, soaring in circles, flying toward the sun, saying to myself in ecstasy, "It's the Second Coming, it's the Second Coming," thinking as I fly of Yeats's poem.

I see my mother's face. It's dropping down, away from the God-Sun I'm being pulled to. She seems bodiless and her face is in a set, ugly look—dissatisfied. I reach out my hand to "hers?" but she keeps on falling. Then I look upward and a blinding, white light parts to show the face of the Sun-God. It's rather like a lion's face—strong and truly ecstasy-provoking.

Then I'm on the ground again, excitedly wondering how to convey my experience so that people will believe in my experience and not think I'm crazy. The girl I'm to meet tells me that the same thing happened to her. She felt, "oblique, the ground giving way and tossing (her) into strange angles. I know what you're saying ..."

And so, we go on spreading the news, only to find that nearly everyone is aware of the wonderful end.

(S.S., Santa Fe, New Mexico)
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