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background for chronic sinusitis and as a document concerning the subject's familiarity with dreams. There were three patients with severe, chronic sinusitis, all female, and two with mild, chronic sinusitis, one male and one female. Six patients began the treatment program, five completing it and one moving out of the state after the third session.

Treatment: A two-hour group workshop was held one night a week for two months. In the first session, a general discussion was held concerning the recall and interpretation of dreams. A handout sheet was given to each participant, in which it was suggested that the group gather together in the sleep state at 2 A.M. each night of the meeting. The subsequent sessions consisted of dream interpretation facilitated by a dream analyst and a physician. Following the eight sessions, a post- workshop evaluation form was filled out by each of the final five participants.

Results: There are two sources of data: that observed and discussed during the workshop sessions, and that provided by the post-workshop evaluation forms.

At the second meeting, one of the female participants with severe, chronic sinusitis reported a very lengthy dream. One part of this dream consisted of her being bitten by a scorpion, at which time she heard a loud voice saying, "That's why you have sinusitis." In her analysis of this segment of the dream, she immediately stated that the scorpion stood for her husband, who is a Scorpio. She admitted to a difficult relationship with him, but indicated that progress had been made within the previous few months.

The emphasis in the dream interpretation focused on any major difficulty in the individual's life. The participants' ideals—physical, mental and spiritual—were a constant reference point during the discussions. There were major conflicts, unresolved past difficulties, or important pending decisions in each of the participants' lives. However, other than the aforementioned dream experience, no further personality characteristics, relationships or conditions were found directly related to chronic sinusitis.

Part of the pre-sleep suggestions included an optional statement concerning visualizing the group gathering at 2 A.M. on the night of the session. One participant and one of the investigators experienced vivid recall of a "group meeting" on two of the nights set aside, possibly of the actual group members.

The other important source of results was gathered from the initial, dream-sinus evaluation form and from a post-workshop questionnaire. One of the major reasons for  which

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