safety. The next morning she received a telegram. He thanked her for
waking him just in time to escape the flames which engulfed
the hotel where he was sleeping. He had dreamed he heard her
voice and felt her shake him.
A personal experience which was a real lifesaver involved all of my children. After a fellow teacher had surgery, she asked me to meet her part way to school and pick her up. She felt that thirty miles was too far for her to drive for a while. Because I worked so far from home, I had enrolled my children there so they were always with us. We chose to leave her car in a small parking lot in front of three small stores. This routine continued for about two weeks. One morning she called and said, "Lets not meet there anymore. I think the store owners may be getting upset. Lets leave my car around the next corner on the residential street." "Okay with me," I said. So that morning I drove on past our usual meeting place. While I was picking up Mabel a block away, we heard an enormous crash. At precisely that time a small plane having engine trouble crashed into the lot where we had been meeting! I asked Mabel how she knew. "It was a dream," she said, "but I didnt want to say so because I wasnt sure it would really happen." "Thank God you acted on it anyway," I said. That is a lesson in guidance my children have never forgotten. Every once in a while events like this get into the newspapers. Most people think such occurrences could never happen to them, but dont be too sure. These examples show that it pays to listen for physical guidance in dreams. You, too, have a nightwatchman on duty. Job Inter-Views
Look, Carol, theres the new boss out in front of the office. What do you suppose hes doing that forhaving batting practice with those kids? Doesnt he look ridiculous in that Mickey Mouse sweatshirt!! And look! The Mickey Mouse face keeps changing its expression. This dreamer had thought her new boss was a nice guy and that he would be great to work for. But time proved the dream to be accurate. Everything he did was "Mickey Mouse"! He batted things around and kept changing his form of expression, but it was always of "Mickey Mouse" caliber! Here we will discuss how dreams guide people in choosing work, changing jobs, holding jobs and defining problems at work. This is an area where precognition is prevalent. Consciously we may not tune in to happenings and 157