it is so much prettier!" I want very much to get a better flag
for the lawn because I know the house is a place that does good for people.
As this dream hints, sex and virility are closely tied in with ones vitality. Sex problems can be quite varied even with normal people. The Freudian approach to sex in dreams was extreme, because Freud worked only with very ill persons. Much sexual advice does come through our dreams, depending on the individual situation. The nurse took steps to improve her vitality and got the improved virility spin-off that was hinted at. She then dreamed: My husband has a flashy new car (his body is looking good to her). He also has a box for me, wrapped for mailing. The box is a typical Freudian sex symbol for the female. Then, if you change the spelling but not the sound of mailing to maleing, you can see the meaning. Some dreams of the future seem to be a psychological preparation for things we will go through. Others come as warnings to help avert disaster. In slumber the eye of the soul waxes bright but in daytime mans doom goes
Aeschylus in Eumenides Sheri, a pregnant woman, dreamed that she was having a baby by natural childbirth. She hadnt planned it that way but when the time came, her doctor was out of town. By the time another doctor arrived, the baby had also arrived, naturally! Another pregnant woman dreamed: I am in the hospital. I have had a miscarriage. My sister is in the bed beside me. Shes quite sick and I am telling her it isnt so bad. She and her sister both had miscarriages. The dreamers was first and not as difficult. She was able later to comfort her sister. Some people seem to have a faculty for tuning in to emergencies in their sleep. Dream help between mother and child or other relationships where the love tie is strong is not uncommon. Sometimes parents get in on their teenagers sex scenes. Here was an alerting dream for the mother with a precognitive hint of her sons nocturnal adventures with the girl next door. The boy was only thirteen but was sneaking out at night to meet the girl in the backyard after their parents were asleep. The mothers dream: 154