"Dream Incubation: A Reconstruction of a Ritual in Contemporary Form"
and "Incubating My Inner Voice". These articles also suggest
that a contemporary meaning of ritual is not rote behavior, but
rather symbolic behavior in dialogue with the language
of dreams. As such, a ritual of incubation contains several dimensions
of dialogue. See "Dream Incubation Inside the Great Pyramid"
for an example of dream dialogue with "place." The sense
of smell can be a provocative medium for contacting dreams - try
the suggestion outlined in "Dream Pillow: Sleep on It."
The review of the book, Journey of a Dream Animal, shows
that dream incubation can be a dialogue of a lifetime. The ultimate
dialogue, with the mystery of life and death, comes- incubated or
not-in "Lucid Dreams."
The dreamwork approach of the Senoi of Malaysia, recently coming to the attention of dreamers everywhere, is a superb example of the power of dialogue. The Community Dream Journal is fortunate to have for its readers perhaps the finest article so far available concerning a modern adaptation of these methods, "Elements of Senoi Dreamwork Applied in a Western Culture." The Senoi believe in educating their children in constructive dreamwork. You can see the influence of their approach in "Dream On: Educating Children to Use Dreams." A method similar to the Senoi approach is described in "Helping Children with Nightmares." The value of dialogue as a dreamwork method is studied in the research report, "Dreamers' Reactions to Two Methods of Dream Interpretation." The Community Dream Journal is pleased to publish what is perhaps the first laboratory investigation of the process of dream interpretation and its effect upon dreamers. A personal dream journal is a long-honored method for dialoguing with dreams and the symbolic life. The instructional article, "Inspirational Writing in a Dream Journal: II. Opportunities for Dialogue," shows how many of the dialogue methods described in the other articles can be experienced in the convenient privacy of your own journal. Those of you who appreciate do-it- yourself experiments will find this article a helpful guide. Opportunities for dialogue provided by dreams have perhaps no boundaries, especially when telepathy is considered. As you will see when you read "The Role of Telepathy in Dreaming," "Dreaming for Mary" and "Hostess for a Dream Cruise," we're not always alone when we dream. Finally, for an update on the ongoing dialogue between your dreams and our Community Dream Journal, study "Subscribers' Dreams." 4