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$100 deposit is required now for registration for the study tour and the balance will be due November 10, 1977. To register, send deposit to Atlantic University Study Tours, P.O. Box 595, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.


The January/February, 1977 issue of Psychic: The Magazine of New Realities (Volume VII, Number 6) has two excellent articles that relate to two articles in this issue of Sundance ("The Role of Telepathy in Dreaming" and "Dreaming for Mary"). The first article, "Exploring the World of Dreams," by P.A. Huyghe, is an interview with Bob Van de Castle about recent research and theory concerning ESP in dreams. The article contains additional information on the "Dream Helper Ceremony" not presented in the Sundance articles. The second article, "The Paranormal Event in Psychotherapy," by N.V. Tornatore and R. Tornatore, gives some good examples of the type of telepathic contact between patient and therapist briefly described in Van de Castle's Sundance article. Psychic (now called New Realities) frequently has interesting and unique articles on psychic dreaming, and this particular issue is especially good. A back issue may be ordered by sending $1.50 to Library of Past Issues, Psychic Magazine, P.O. Box 26289, San Francisco, CA 94126.


If you are a classroom teacher and would like to participate in a program to collect and develop a curriculum for teaching dream skills to children, please get in touch. There is available written material scattered in various books and new methods are being explored all the time. Betsy Caprio, author of the recent curriculum guide, Experiments in Growth ($5.95 from Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556) has agreed to coordinate this network for teachers—and parents, too!—and will make the material available to Sundance readers. Contact her at 32 West Housatonic Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201. Be prepared to help out.


We need people to review current books on dreams and to write synopses of older books. We offer free subscriptions to Sundance to encourage your help—the reading will be fun and profitable in itself, but writing the review or synopsis takes time. We have a collection of books for review and synopsis, and we can loan you a copy of the book you choose to work with. A book review is intended as a brief (about three typewritten pages) reaction to the content of the book to stimulate thinking in the  reader.  A  synopsis  of an  older  book  is  intended  to

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