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several of the dreams reflect imagery related to the archetypes of the Sundance motif. Most obvious are the references to dancing, often in a circle, sometimes with a religious connotation. Of course, the image on the cover of the Community Dream Journal, the name, "Sundance," and the intention to recognize the spiritual dimension of dreams would be sufficient prompters to such a theme in the dreams. But the dance theme is often accompanied by certain other imagery that suggests that the archetypal pattern of the Sundance motif is specifically active in the dream. For example, a girl brings flowers to a dance and they spring to life once she begins dancing—here we are reminded of the maidens bringing flowers to the ancient spring rites, a dancing rite of spring whose purpose was to encourage regeneration. Similarly, in another dream, dancing breaks out like spring fever, an image that additionally suggests the existence of an uncontrollable urge or an instinctual prompting, like life healing itself.

Second, similar to themes presented in the previous collections of dreams, we find the dreams reflecting concerns about certain familiar topics. One dreamer experiences a pressure to join the dance group and a certain reluctance to do so. Another dreamer considers joining an intriguing center for learning. Is the issue, "to join or not to join," inherent in the nature of our Community Dream Journal? As we have seen in many previous dreams, and again in this collection, several dreamers experience themselves in conflict between being alone and being part of a group. For one dreamer, rejection of the concern about "mono" leads to her joining others in a dance. Another dreamer is reluctant to sleep in a cabin alone and finds safety in numbers. Another dreamer discovers that even in a family, people must go to their own rooms to meditate effectively. Sometimes a fear of rejection underlies a hesitancy to dance with others. In two previous dreams it was a concern about not knowing the "right" steps, but in the present dream on this theme it is a concern about simply being unpopular that causes the unnecessary shyness. Being in a group, sharing dreams with others, also creates anxiety about self-exposure. The current dream on this theme, however, reflects some pleasure at the prospect of a public bath. But what would we be getting into? For one dreamer it is a swimming pool with a strong tide. And when a dream baby sticks it hands into the fish tank?

Finally, as in previous issues of Sundance, we find at least one Sundance dream whose timing coincided with the arrival of the Journal's flyer in the mail. This type of synchronistic event suggests that dreams and the Journal are truly making contact. What do you think?

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