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and he puts his hand down slowly. Being real still, he holds his hand down and we wait. Soon he asks me to lift him up, and as he draws his hand up from the tank he says something like, "the damn things!" which makes me laugh. I wonder where he heard that word. As I walk away with the baby I realize that it would have been a real storm if those fish had been piranha. (A.L.L., Long Beach, California)

I am standing with some friends of mine (who are also into the study of New Age philosophy) on the edge of a large swimming pool, at the sunny end of the pool. I begin to swim the length of the pool, away from my friends. When I get to the middle of the pool a gentle, but forceful tide-pull begins taking me towards the right side of the pool. Much as I try to keep toward the left side of the pool and head back toward my friends, I can't. Nor can I open my eyes. I relax and think, "Reach out your right hand and let the current take you until you reach the right wall." I keep repeating to myself, "Open your eyes!" Finally they open. I reach the right side of the pool, which is shaded by an overhanging roof, and then move along the wall of the pool until I get to the end where my friends are. (A.D., Spring Valley, New York)

I am in a large parking lot of a college campus. My friend and I drive to the front so that others may park behind us, for we will be staying for a long time. We are getting ready to attend our classes which will last all day long. As people scatter, going all directions to their classes, I can't find my campus map and schedule of classes. I go from building to building hoping to find something familiar to show me the way and help me find the office that can help me. After a while, my friend and I are together again and we are changing clothes for the afternoon and evening classes. I tell her of my problem, but she hurries off to her class. I am still searching for my own schedule and campus map. Now I seem to be walking over a small bridge, looking down at something silvery and shiny in the water. The people on the banks want to get the shiny thing from the water. I know I can because I can swim very well. I wonder about taking time to help them when I am still looking for my way around campus. (R.W., Bakersfield, California)


This third collection of dreams shows certain similarities to the dreams presented  in  the  first  two  collections.  First,

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