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liberate himself from unconscious repetitive strivings, change can take place. And what better place for change to take place than in each individual man's interpretation of his dreamlike state.

Thus, if man can become truly conscious, if the lines between unconscious and conscious finally blur and break down, the culture will inevitably change. Man would indeed be healthier as he relates to both unconscious and conscious as if really one and the same. Here lies psychic liberation—a free and healthy society free of neurosis, fear and dread.

Since evolution is the process of man's becoming and since man is becoming, any attempt to individualize the interpretation of man's dreams speeds up the evolutionary process. Every known symbol possible to man is carried within his dreams. Know the dreams, and change is inevitable in each person, and thus in the interpretation of the universal symbols. Thus here, too, a culture can change.

Every man carries thus within himself the possibility of changing the entire culture through his dreams. Any attempt by man to delay this process results in stagnation, a dead and nonmoving culture. Man carries the responsibility for his culture, for his dreams. Such a heavy burden rests with all of us. Change is possible but each man must make it his own personal course in order for the culture to truly change and develop.

So why not liberate each one of us from his dreamlike state and come forth into the true knowledge of the unconscious and a true change in culture?

As for Marie, to realize that she could be a channel in this way has boosted her feelings of self-worth considerably, and she has just completed two days in a row that were anxiety-free, a small but significant victory for her.

Bob Trowbridge, M. Div.
San Rafael, California
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