DREAM SHEILDD.O.Camp RainbowCroton-on-Hudson, N.Y.My dream shield developed over a period of two weeks. After reading about the dream shield concept, I placed the question, "What symbols would be useful for my dream shield?" into my dream state and slept on it. In my first dream I encountered a beam of white light, much like that of a spotlight, that descended from above on an angle to the left. The symbolism seemed obvious to me as the "white light," an ultimate state, pure energy, the path to God. Next, in a period of being half awake/half asleep, there appeared with a thunderous jolt the Ankh. This Egyptian cross symbol feels right to me and I gain comfort from it. A dream recorded along with these symbols told of evil turning to good, the need for knowledge and understanding, and helping others, unselfishly, to traverse the difficult course through life. Two nights after my first request, I asked, "Help me develop a dream shield." In a dream involving prisoners and hostile guards, in which I was both observer and participant, there appeared a patch of flowers (ranunculus). These flowers signified to an elite-looking group of men in uniform (space travelers, I believe) that a mineral of great value to them was in the immediate area. Another dream concerned swan eggs along the grassy side of the road near our county penal complex. Some time later, I asked again about symbols and was shown a long massive bed of day lilies or daffodils. I recall feeling very elated. I also encountered brown and beige ducks flying gracefully by my boyhood home. It was beautiful. Flowers have always been a source of pleasure to me and have developed into a sensual binding point between myself and the Earth (which are one). The death and rebirth cycle is naturally suggested. The symbol of the egg has many 119