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As I am discoursing brilliantly on how salt and pepper and other stuff are the "spice of life," I realize that some of the passengers are current or former members of my dream groups. I am delighted to be serving them. We all compliment one another and it is really genuine.

At one point, I launch into an erudite play on words about "marjoram." Everyone is so kind about needing salt and pepper, remarking how flat life would be without them. The music plays and I continue serving, enjoying everything.

There are several reasons for believing that the major themes in Nancy's dream are relevant to our collaboration in helping students to understand their dreams. First, she had worked with the dream group on the day of the dream. Second, members of past and present dream groups appeared in the dream. Third, I was in the dream as a kind of official authority figure similar to my role as teacher of the personal development course, and she played a service role analogous to her volunteer leadership of the dream groups.

There are many aspects of Nancy's dream which suggest that she may have been in clairvoyant contact with my concerns about satisfying the wants of others. In her dream, Nancy noticed in the mirror that she was wearing dangling emerald earrings that "just appeared." As noted in my diary, my wife, Darlene, and I had spent over an hour the evening of Nancy's dream looking for dangling earrings as a present for my sister. My sister had specifically asked for either dangling earrings or a ring with a stone on it. We went into at least six stores and were frustrated in our attempt to find dangling earrings that we could agree upon. The following day in a different city I did purchase some dangling earrings after deciding that an emerald ring I had seen was too expensive.

Nancy's dream also makes reference to cut crystal salt and pepper shakers that were about nine inches high, faceted and sparkling. The crystal relates, again, to my frustration in choosing a gift for someone. While on a trip to Los Angeles in September, Darlene and I stopped at a department store to look at cut crystal glassware. We couldn't find anything suitable. On that same day we rode a passenger cruiser from Long Beach to Santa Catalina Island. While at Catalina, I spent over an hour looking at cut crystal vases. Most of the vases were about 7-9 inches high, 1-2 inches in diameter, faceted and very beautiful. Finally, after much deliberation, I purchased a slightly shorter cut crystal vase for flowers.

During our phone conversation in September, I had briefly mentioned to Nancy about the cruise to Catalina, but not about looking for glassware.  It is  interesting that she did not

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