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     What I am about to describe did not happen as I shall
describe it, but it did all happen.
     A young woman named Colleen Coleman brought this
dream to school one day:

     I have been camping near a river  in the country. I  am
leaving by plane. There isn't  an airport or a runway but a
jet lands and is ready to take off  again. Charlton  Heston
is the pilot and  he is in  full  uniform.  I am  sitting  in  the
middle of the plane. No one is sitting near me. In the very
back seat of the plane is Jim Jackson with whom I went to
grammar school. Up in the front of the plane sits Russ, my
father's old business partner, and his wife Colleen.  As the
plane starts to take off  I  am watching the view from  afar
so  that  when  the  plane  falls  back  down  I  see  it  from
outside the plane. Though  the plane is not damaged at all,
several people  are  dead.  I  see Jim in  the back with  his
head drooped over his chest and  I  realize that he is dead.
Russ and Colleen are also dead though I cannot see them.
I  am  not  horrified  but   in  a  state  of  uncomprehension.
No one is  freaked  out but  they  just  stay  in  their  seats.
The stewardesses  are calm. Then,  we take off again.  No
one  removes  the  dead  bodies.  It  seems  that since  the
plane is  okay the  schedule  should  be kept. I  feel that  I
really want to  get home. We  are in the air  for awhile and
during the flight I  see different areas by being in different
parts of the plane,  the back, the front, while all the time  I
am in my seat.  We land in Sebastopol  at the corner store
down the street  from  my house.  The  plane parks  in  the
small side parking lot. As I get off I see Russ and Colleen
lying close  to  each  other dead.  But  then  it appears that
they are playing at being dead, for I see them move. I  just
get off,  not trying to  figure out  if they  are fooling  me  or
what. The pilot helps me get my luggage. I cross the street
anxious   to   get  home.  I  leave  the  plane  behind.  As  I
approach our house  I  see some  changes.  I  see  that  my
father has cut down the bushes  in front of our dining room
window. My  family is not expecting me and  I  am sick  at
the  thought  that   I   have  to  tell  them  about  Russ  and


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