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Dream shield

    I share this shield with you as a way of suggesting how
you  might  improvise  on  the  basic,  archetypal  pattern
of the fourfold One. It is worth the time to discover your
individual   symbols of  the  universal  themes. Arranging
your symbols  into a dream mosaic  also encourages you
to begin  to make up  stories  about how  the symbols get
along  and  adventure together.  A  dream shield  can thus
provide an initiation into your own mythic quest.

Resource Material

Cirlot, J.E.  A  dictionary  of  symbols.  New  York: Philosophical  Library,
1962 Jung, C.G. Psychological types. Vol. 6  of  the  Collected  works of
C. G. Jung.
 Princeton:  Princeton University Press.
Storm, H. Seven arrows. New York: Ballantine Books, 1972.


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