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psyche.   Draw   pictures   of   these   symbols   (or   use
magazine  clippings)  and  arrange  them  into  a  circular
mosaic   that   expresses   your  individual  patterning  of
these four components of wholeness.
     Suppose,   for  example,  that  you  find  the  meaning
of  the  four  directions  reflected  in  the four elements:
earth,   air,  fire   and  water.  You  might  try  to  make  a
dream  shield  that   portrays  your  particular  make—up
of   these   four   elements.   Find   symbols   from   your
dreams  that seem  to symbolize  the activities  of  these
four elements in your life. Experimenting with different
choices   and  combinations   of  dream   symbols  might
reveal to you how, in some instances,  the four elements
of your  nature  work  together  harmoniously,  while, in
other instances, they are in conflict.
     I've drawn  up  a  playful  dream  shield  on  the  theme
of the four elements.  Not knowing much  about the deep
meaning  of   the  elemental  symbols,   I  made  a  set  of
personal    connotations:   Air—mind,   Water—emotion,
Fire—spirit,     and    Earth—physical    instincts.    These

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