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convey the experience of the dream in drawing, painting,
modeling  clay  or writing. We  allow  about 15  minutes
for this process, then meet back together as a group.
    Each person shares their experience of the dream. We
have found  that the dream is usually a potent experience
for   the  other  members.  Each  shares  without analysis
their  own  emotional  reaction   to  the dream  and  their
artistic  expression  of  it.   Sometimes  members  relate
how  they  have  dealt  with  similar  situations.  The  real
dreamer  is encouraged  to  respond whenever  there is a
felt   resonance  with    the  other  dreamers'   images  or
experiences.  Finally,  the real dreamer shares their own
elaborations   and  is   encouraged   to  imagine  how  the
dream might connect to important struggles,  sorrows or
      The   process  of   assimilating   and   expressing  the
message  or experience of the dream  depends  upon the
readiness    of   the    person.   To   extend   the   process,
additional   written   or   artistic   "homework"   is   often
assigned.   We  often  have  some   follow-up  in   a  later
dream  group  to find out how  the dreamer's  experience
of the dream has evolved.
    Here are some of the things I like about our "dreaming
together" sessions.  It gets the other people in  the group
personally  involved in the  experience of  the dream and
seems   thereby   to   nourish    a   sense   of  sharing  and
commitment   among   group  members. The  production
and  contemplation  of  the  creative  elaborations of  the
dream  encourage  the expression  of  important feelings
while  also uncovering  many possible levels of meaning
to the dream.  It supports a person  in an attempt to learn
how  to accept and even seek out help from friends when
working on  inner conflicts. I  find that  a person is more
willing   to venture  into the  unknown  and  wrestle  with
disturbing  inner voices  and  painful  imagery  when it is
known  that  there are helpful friends  nearby for support.
Finally,  it teaches the value  of creative imagination and
develops  a  sense  of  resiliency  in persevering  through
the anxieties of daily life.


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