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      The tally sheet  is  a  daily log of dream recall.  It has
two  purposes:  1) It  is  a  means  for  you  to  discipline
yourself  to  pay  some  attention  to  your  dreams  each
morning.  2)  It  is  a  simple  tool  to  collect  data about
fluctuations  in  dream recall,  data which  can be used to
gauge improvement  in  memory for dreams or to detect
factors which affect dream recall.
      The  tally   sheet   was   conceived   and   devised   by
dreamers.   As  a  result,  the  tally  system  represents  a
natural,  "phenomenological,"  or  subjective,  system for
evaluating   dream  recall,   and   has   a   validity  for  the
dreamer.  It has also proven  of  value  in  stimulating the
dreamer   to  notice  certain  aspects   of   dreams  which
might otherwise  be overlooked,  thus helping to develop
a memory for dreams.
      The  tally  sheet  asks  you  each  morning  to  make a
series   of  simple  judgments  about   your  memory  for
dreams— how  much  of  your dream did you recall,  and
how vividly.  It  will  take  a  few  minutes  to  familiarize
yourself with the scoring system  of  the tally sheet,  and
the first few mornings may require  a  little extra time in
order to be sure that you  are using the system correctly.
Other  than  that,  the  tally  sheet  will prove to be a very
simple  and  rapid  record-keeping  device,  requiring  no
more than one minute each morning.
      To  explain  the  use  of  the tally sheet, we'll first go
over the scoring systems,  and  then explain  how  to use
the tally sheet itself.

Quantitative Recall
     This first system  is  concerned  with  how much of a
dream you recall; and each dream is rated separately. By
how much,   we  do  not  mean  how  long   a  dream,  but
instead,  a measure of the relative completeness of your
memory for the dream;  in a real sense,  it  is  a measure
of  the  degree  of   the  dreamer's  satisfaction  with  the
recall for  a dream,  a measure that only the dreamer can
provide.  The rating system  is  subjective,  but  there are


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