In the epilogue to his latest book, Healing dreams:
Exploring the dreams that can transform your life
(Riverhead Books) Marc Barasch relates the story of his
editor trying to envision a simple sound-bite promotion for
his book. The editor asked, "How would a healing dream
help the average person be effective in their daily
lives?" Barasch, was, in his own words,
"flummoxed" by the question. He had spent years
researching the subject, through his own dreams as he dealt
with cancer, through interviewing countless people who had
received dreams of Great Mysteries, and through in-depth
scholarship on the vast spiritual traditions pointing to
dreams as a channel by which God might speak and redirect
our ignorant and sleepwalking lives into the pursuit of
wisdom. Yet the editor wanted something simple to explain it
all to the consuming public. Barasch said he was reminded of
the saying that when a thief meets a saint, all he sees is
the holy man’s pockets. Later, when the editor had a dream
about struggling to land an extremely large fish, Barasch
suspected that the fellow had finally gotten the idea:
dreams, and healing dreams especially, take us beyond our
narrow categories and concepts into a much larger world. As
he puts us, healing dreams don’t come to make it all
better, but to help us live the truth.
I know from my experience that it is difficult to take a
healing dream and turn it into a nifty formula for rescuing
others. In the inaugural issue of this magazine I told the
story of my initial experience with a healing dream, one
that led to a recovery process from alcoholism. At the time,
there were many invitations to turn my experience into some
kind of dream formula for treating this common disease. But
I knew it was not possible. What I had experienced was my
story, and other people would have to find their own. The
best I could do was to develop an approach for how a person
might put themselves on the path of a healing dream. Many
people found my dream incubation approach helpful and had a
transformative dream experience (for their accounts, see But even more
people found the approach an empty dead end. But isn’t
that the way it should be? If spiritual healing, whether
from a dream encounter with a wondrous being, or through
some other experience, is in fact a gift from some higher
order of being, then can we reduce it to a formula? If
prayer worked every time, and worked exactly as we were
hoping, it would be more of a mechanical response than the
intervention of Spirit. Whatever or Whoever Spirit may be,
it should have as much, if not more, choice of action than
we do. As Barasch illustrated so well in his earlier book, The
Healing Path: A Soul Approach to Illness , healing doesn’t
simply restore us to the way we were before, it transforms
us. To reflect his revelation, I titled the column for
Venture Inward I wrote for that book (all these columns
are archived at,
"If there is to be a true healing, we will not survive
I appreciate Barasch’s new book for the rare and worthy
achievement it is: Through beautiful, even poetic language,
integrated with the grounding influence of the facts from
the lives of those he interviewed, he gives us a glimpse of
a holy World Order that inspires us to try to empathize with
something that we can not fully understand. In that sense,
Barasch’s book is the next best thing to a personal
encounter with a healing dream itself.
Among the various types of healing dreams he explores, he
includes his experiences with the "Dream Helper
Ceremony." Perhaps the most far-flung export from
A.R.E.’s summer camp, where it was first invented, Dream
Helper involves a group of people volunteering to donate
their dreams to help someone in distress, doing so without
knowing in advance the nature of the person’s problem.
What began as an attempt to put a spiritual spin on
traditional dream telepathy experiments soon evolved into a
potent healing ritual that many people have used to their
benefit (for stories of Dream Helper and how to do it
yourself, see
On the basis of his dream helper experience, Barasch draws
two important conclusions about healing dreams. First: if
you want to have one yourself, offer to have a healing dream
for someone else! That’s the closest to a healing dream
formula he offers in the entire book.Two: there is some kind
of living, spiritual fabric that unites all of us with a
life beyond the physical and to which we have a important
relationship, acknowledged or not. Healing dreams, he has
discovered, come to pull us back from the abyss of
isolationism into a more conscious relationship with that
unifying lifeforce. There’s more to a saint, in other
words, than what can be found in his pockets.