SUNDANCE COMMUNITY DREAM JOURNALAn Experimental PublicationSponsored byThe Association of Learning (Atlantic University)Published in Winter and Summer by A.R.E.® Press
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Editor: Henry Reed, Ph.D. Associate Editor: Scott Sparrow, M.A.
Consulting Editors:
Robert Van de Castle, Ph.D.
The Sundance Community Dream Journal is designed to serve a circle of cooperating dreamers personally interested in educational dream research guided by spiritual ideals. We welcome written contributions from dreamers, dream researchers, educators and artists. We publish personal testimonies of meaningful dream/life experiences; descriptions of research projects presented for subscriber participation; reports on the results of dream research projects; theoretical essays on dream psychology; educational or do- it-yourself instructional material for working with dreams; drawings, poetry and stories created from dreams; reviews of resource material and events of interest to dreamers; brief letters, notices and queries intended to establish communication among dreamers on various topics; and dreams. All types of material of interest to dreamers will be considered. No particular format or style is preferred, but there is a premium on brevity and clarity. Written contributions will be evaluated in terms of potential interest and usefulness to the self-educating dreamer. The specific contents of the Journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions or viewpoints of Atlantic University, the A.R.E. or of the Edgar Cayce readings. By sponsoring this experimental publication, Atlantic University expresses belief in the value of sharing and cooperation among people of diverse theoretical and spiritual orientations. Subscriptions, Editorial correspondence, and manuscripts should be
addressed to Sundance, P.O. Box 595, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.
Subscriptions (2 issues per volume)
USA; $5. Canada & Mexico: $8. Foreign (Airmail): $10.
Single Issues: $3.25 plus postage and handling charge:
USA: $.75 Canada & Mexico: $1.50 Foreign (Airmail): $2.50
Copyright © 1977 Atlantic University
Quotations from Edgar Cayce Readings copyright © 1945, 1971
Edgar Cayce Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ISSN 0146-0021 |