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I am in an office, actually a suite of large rooms in a house, and we are going to have a screening of a movie—a comedy, I think. I join the group late. The picture is already in progress and I can't get interested in it. The group is seated in chairs and on the floor. Soon I leave and go into another room, like a library, to look up something in the dictionary. In this room is a consultant, who is working at a round table on maps. I don't know what he is doing until the maps are finished—they have lots of red and green lines. Afterwards, there is a lot of cleaning up to do. It appears that we eat in this house also. This seems to annoy one young man.
(V.B., Washington, D.C.)

It is a beautiful sunny day. The ocean is very calm and blue. There is a lovely blue sky overhead. I am walking alone along the beach. I feel very calm and peaceful. I seem to be meditating about something. Then another me comes running after me, a much more outgoing, energetic me. She is trying to teach me something. Twice we go over it, but then I feel I have to go to a cottage farther from the beach, because my mother is waiting for me. The second me says, "The third time you come back to the ocean, you will understand."

(R.G., Grove City, Pennsylvania)

I am driving home from work when ahead of me in the sky, fairly low in the west horizon, I can see three beautiful, blue, sparkling lights. I am anxious to get closer and see what they are, but I can't hurry as it is foggy, the visibility is low, and I am driving slowly and carefully. I frequently glance up from the highway to be sure the lights are still there. Then I slow more as I come to a house construction area where workmen are milling around. As one man comes out of a house, the crew boss asks him to walk around on the sidewalk and not to walk on the lawn.

(J.R., So/on, Iowa)



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