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walk by the ballroom and look at me as if I'm a moving doll in a store window. I am aware of their presence but they have no effect on me. I am content and happy for expressing myself my way and being me.
(P.S., Villanova, Pennsylvania)
Dear Journal:

Here is the dream I had after reading the second issue of Sundance, without asking for any comments from my dreams:

Three children in an icy strip of water. I know I should stay and check that they are OK. As they get out, I leave... at school making flowers. I carry books out and go back to the boat to collect . . . We are looking for apartments. They are beautiful but with not enough bedrooms. A salesman is trying to do a sales act on us. I know he is not really bad for he is just playing a part. We go to another enormous building. They are still working on the interior. A dance class is being held on a beautiful polished wooden floor... I am on a bench in a life-saving capacity. I'm in costume, there are crowds. I go for a swim and find a sheltered spot, where I am cool and grateful. A person already there says it will soon be crowded. I don't mind so much as I am already here.

(V.S., Millington, New Jersey)

Dear Journal:

I certainly enjoyed the second issue of the Sundance journal. Following the suggestion, I wrote a letter to my dreams and placed it for two nights under my pillow with the subscription form. Here are the dreams which occurred:

1) My son is involved in a project with three other people. They need a larger house, but prefer one that will give them a certain amount of individual privacy while still having a place to work together. They find one which has four separate little apartments with a common large living room for meeting together. The only drawback is that it is close to other houses and I wonder if the neighbors might complain as they will be working with music. It is still the best arrangement, and I make the call to arrange for the purchase.

2) I am back at school. I am told to go down the hall and make a left. Now I seem to be in a car and have pulled off the road onto the right on a piece of land that has trees and fields, but no road. I park and wait and observe, looking out toward the road I came down originally. Then I am back again at the school, going down the hall and turning left. When  I get to the correct

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