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see black lines forming a pyramid, and I follow these to the top. I now look down upon the eye, which has become the base of the pyramid, and the eye appears to be the eye of the Christ. White rays of light radiate out from it.

(3) I am sleeping in the pyramid and light filters into it. I open my eyes and see a shaft of pure white light before me. It leads up to the top of the pyramid. I call out, "Where is the light coming from?" A voice answers me, "The sun (son?) has already risen."

This woman's experience was particularly profound. At the very least, she interpreted her dreams as confirming the appropriateness of her career decision; moreover, the significance of the particular symbols became evident in the days following.

Typically, the dreams of the incubants were exceptionally clear and vivid. Whether or not the incubated dreams presented material clearly related to the incubant's concern seemed to be a function of the degree to which the incubant was able to articulate clearly the concern in advance. Similar to that reported by Reed (1978), there were a number of seemingly parapsychological occurrences between the incubants and myself. Also, in a number of ways that resembled the dreams from the Great Pyramid reported by Sparrow (1978), there were many dreams and other phenomena reported by the incubants, suggesting that the A.R.E. pyramid was having its specific effect. I am in the process of carefully examining the 80 dream records to develop several hypotheses concerning these processes that can be tested the following summer at A.R.E.

In the meantime, if I may offer advice for the serious seeker attempting dream incubation within the home environment, I would say that the most important thing is the time spent clarifying the incubation issue. Although there are potentially many forms of intensive journal writing that would be effective in this regard, I would suggest using for now Gayle Delaney's "phrase-focusing" method (Delaney, 1976). And, of course, meditate—with confidence.


Delaney, G. "Phrase-Focusing Dream Incubation." Sundance, 1976, I (1), 71-83.

Reed, H. "Dream Incubation: A Reconstruction of a Ritual in Contemporary Form." Sundance, 1978, II (1), 9-26.

Sparrow, S. "Dream Incubation Inside the Great Pyramid." Sundance, 1978, II (1), 41-44.

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