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Gerald L. Matlin

Dreams have been a subject of only passing interest for me over the last several years. Although I have had a few important dream experiences, my dream recall and recording were sporadic. My subscription to Sundance paid off in dream dividends immediately. I found that using the "Dream Recall Tally Sheet" (SCDJ, I(I), 52-70) encourages me to record my dreams regularly and demonstrates how much I do remember, for I had tended not to respect the small items of recall. Another dividend concerned the notice about dreams and biorhythms. Sundance subscribers were invited to design a project observing dreams and biorhythms (SCDJ, I(1), 45).

Biorhythms are cycles of fluctuating energy that begin at birth. A person has three natural biorhythm cycles. One is a "physical" cycle that repeats itself every 23 days. Another is an "emotional" cycle that has a 28-day period. The third is an "intellectual" cycle that is 33 days long. These cycles each pass through a "positive" and a "negative" phase. The day on which a cycle shifts phase, from "positive" to "negative" or the reverse, is termed a "critical day" because of the instability created by the absence of a definite "positive" or "negative" tendency. (To learn more about biorhythms and how to compute your own cycles, read Is This Your Day? by George S. Thommen, Avon Books, 1976.)

I obtained the use of a biorhythm computer program that produces graphs of biorhythms. I decided to produce biorhythm charts for myself and to plot dream activity on the charts so that I could look for corresponding patterns. I scored dream recall in a manner similar to that specified for the "Dream Recall Tally Sheet," except that I used values of 0-6 for quantitative recall and I combined the quantitative and qualitative scores to obtain a single value, from 0-22, to represent my dream recall for a given day.

Shown here are my dream recall scores and biorhythm cycles for the months of March and  April, 1977.  No pattern

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