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came from frustration, a reconciliation was enacted. The horses and riders conversed (this is the beauty of dream dialogue) and became friends. The saddles were removed and the walkers now were free to explore a new dimension involving individuality. Peaceful coexistence ensued. This intriguing, inner exploration is like a journey through Tolkien's worlds.

Thus, Faraday's book inspired a fresh, expansive approach to my dream life as well as a means for integration with the waking consciousness. She says: "A dream is interpreted correctly when it means something to the dreamer and moves him to change his life constructively... and incorrectly when it leaves the dreamer disappointed or unmoved." Thus, it may be the interpretation, not the dream, that falls short.

"Dreams come to expand, not diminish." For me this has proven true. Contrary to the idea of Freud's dream censor, my dreams attempt to reveal, not hide. The bewildering dreams are just beginning their ascent into consciousness. As Jung said: "Great innovations never come from above but below, as trees grow." The dream image is chosen because of its appropriateness to the message conveyed, not to befuddle or disguise. Likewise, there seem to be untold depths of meaning in each dream or dream sequence that unfolds as we unfold.

The book is overflowing with creative suggestions for playing the dream game; and this is how she recommends approaching the dream—in a playful imaginative manner. Following are a few of the suggestions I found useful. First, see if the dream has a literal meaning. Your wallet may have fallen from your purse in actuality rather than suggesting the loss of some spiritual value. Next, see if the dream is metaphorical and/or contains puns. Then, relate it to the previous day or two in feeling tone as well as content. Faraday states: "Common themes, such as falling, indicate common areas of human concern, but each person uses them differently; thus, it's best to develop your own dream glossary." Then she discusses common dream themes and possible interpretations, such as missing the bus, losing teeth, flying, sex, nightmares, etc. She invokes the dreamer to take a positive, creative inventory and outline a plan of action (suggested by the dream) to apply to the waking state. For instance, my horses have led me to daily observation. I have seen rigidity of thought as well as dietary control. An occasional dish of ice cream or piece of meat is not going to create a metabolic monster. Will you also trade your jodhpurs for walking boots?

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