While it remained for Freud and Jung to awaken us to the importance of our dream life as a gauge to the state of the subconscious, time may show Edgar Cayce as the man who took dream interpretation out of the hands of the "experts" and restored it to the individual, where it belongs. For out of the Cayce readings comes a working premise so simple in its essence that through it hope may be brought to any individual who earnestly desires to stand on his own feet. The Cayce premise is that anyone, whether psychically gifted or not, who will record his dreams in an attitude of prayerful persistence, can, in time, bring about a complete restoration of the dream faculty. (The dream faculty at present seems to be the remains of a long disused and discredited function of the higher mind.) This is the first half of the premise. The second half is simply that the best interpreter of the individual's dream is the individual himself, since the symbols are his own. As an additional explanation, the Cayce readings point out that when dreams are fragmentary, disjointed, and without a clear motif, they are likely to be the results of faulty digestion or other physical disturbances. On the other hand, any dream which has a certain "story" content or mood, particularly if it is in color, should be studied. And that is the complete premise which, if faithfully followed, can bring anew dimension into the experience of anyone who will keep "everlastingly at it!" By the same token, anyone seeking a new, quick, easy road to "illumination" is eliminated by the stress and strain of the This article is condensed from the chapter, "Working with Dreams as
Recommended by the Edgar Cayce Readings," in Cayce, H.L.; Clark, T.C.;
Petersen, W.N.; and Miller, S., Dreams: The Language of the Unconscious.
Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1971. Copyright © 1971 by the Edgar Cayce
Foundation. All rights reserved.