For example, I visited a friend on the East Coast, an important and emotionally charged visit. Images from my dreams popped up at me from time to timefingers of land sticking out into Chesapeake Bay, a landscape on the road as we drove to his house, a six-wheeled, land-water vehicle that I drove up and over the hills. They had appeared at different times in my dreams, as much as thirteen months before, but they were all fulfilled during the time of that visit. Precognitive and Dream Information as Guidance As I observed my dreams, attempted to work with them and incorporate their perspectives into my waking life, I realized that for certain kinds of events my dreams were presenting what was going to happen and what I needed to do about it. This was especially true for events in which I was to play some professional rolea lecture I was to give, organizing and conducting a seminar, a business enterprise for which I was a consultant. One example is the dream with the microphone problems. It suggested what was to happen and indicated that my role was to find the custodian. The identity of the dream eventa lectureand the waking event were the same in that case. Usually my dreams give a useful metaphorical view of the 169