![]() target picture that night was the
lowest of any of the eight nights.
Participation in a telepathy experiment can thus become somewhat embarrassing for an agent because a percipient may tune in on material he would just as soon suppress. Dream Telepathy Studies Not Using REM MonitoringTechniquesSince it requires tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment to set up a modern dream laboratory, very few individuals are in a position to carry out systematic studies of telepathic dreams based upon EEG-monitored awakenings. A few years ago I carried out a group telepathy experiment that cost just a few pennies for supplies. The only equipment needed was several sets of colored pictures from magazines, a few pencils, and a pad of paper cut into several sections. The experiment took place at a summer camp run by the A.R.E. Since the A.R.E. places strong emphasis upon the enlightenment that can be provided through studying one's own dreams, most of the 50 or so college-age students participating in this study were in the habit of maintaining personal dream diaries. Telepathy was the theme for camp that week, so the staff members and I decided to adapt the Maimonides model to suit our own needs. 98