into three pieces. Mr. Blackwelder picked up the portion
containing the Book of Genesis and turned the leaves until he came
to the 27th chapter of Genesis, and there we found two leaves folded
together, the left-hand page folded to the right and the right-hand
page folded to the left, forming a pocket, and in this pocket Mr.
Blackwelder found the will. The will read as follows:
'After reading the 27th chapter of Genesis, I, James L. Chaffin, do make my last will and testament and here it is. I want, after giving my body a decent burial, my little property to be equally divided between my four children, if they are living at my death, both personal and real estate divided equal, if not living, give share to their children. And if she is living, you must take care of your mammy. Now this is my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal. " This second will was submitted to the court for probate in December, 1925. As soon as the heirs to the first will saw the handwriting, they withdrew their contest of the suit. Ten witnesses were prepared to give evidence that the second will was in James Chaffin's very distinctive handwriting (2). The Universality of Psychic DreamsCases of telepathic dreams are by no means rare. Shortly after its founding in 1882, investigators from the British Society for Psychical Research questioned over 5,000 individuals about possible psychic experiences they may have had. After sifting through letters, diaries, and interview data, a total of 702 cases remained that the investigators felt contained good evidence for telepathy. These cases were described in a two-volume book, Phantasms of the Living, and dreams were involved in 149 of them (3). The most extensive collection of psychic dreams has been assembled by Dr. Louisa Rhine, the wife of Dr. J.B. Rhine, the former Director of the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University. These dreams were sent in by readers whenever popular articles on ESP appeared and she now possesses over 5000 psychic dreams. She has published various scientific articles describing the characteristics of ESP dreams and a large number of these psychic dreams appear in her book Hidden Channels of the Mind (4). In 1974 a questionnaire survey dealing with ESP experiences was conducted by two colleagues of mine, Dr. John Palmer and Michael Dennis (5). One of their questions was, "Have you ever had a rather clear and specific dream which matched in detail an event which occurred before, during, or after your dream, and which you did not know about or did not expect at the time of the dream?" They found 90