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without looking elsewhere. At this point, a woman comes up and, perceiving my problem, says, "You must learn to love the object [to see the Light behind it]." ... (G.S.; Virginia Beach)

Some of the foregoing dreams contain light as a main feature. Undoubtedly, this light is the same Radiance revered so highly by the great mystics. The fact that it so often appears within the context of a lucid dream suggests that there is a direct relationship between elevated awareness and the emergence of the Light. Rossi, in his book, Dreams and the Growth of Personality, conjectures that the Light is a manifestation of the intensification of awareness, and therefore something that can be expected when we pursue greater awareness of who we are. And yet, as we can see from the dreams of the spider and the hairy thing, it is not always easy to accept greater awareness. Most of us prefer to take it a little bit at a time, which, in my opinion, is probably a healthy and realistic approach.




Scott's book, Lucid Dreaming—Dawning of the Clear Light, is available from the A.R.E. Press, Box 595, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, at a price of $2.25 plus $.75 postage.

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