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Dreams reflecting upon
the nature of the

Sundance Community
Dream Journal

    As part of the subscription policy for the Journal, we
have had the following suggestion:

    "We encourage you to invite your dreams to comment
on  your  subscription  to  Sundance Community Dream
 For  example,  try   writing   a  letter   to   your
dreams,  stating  your  intention  of knowing them better,
and  asking them  how your  participation  in the Journal
might  affect  you  and your dreamlife.  Place your letter
with  your  subscription  form  under  your  pillow  for  a
night or two, and send along any dreams that result."
     In  the  first  issue  of  the  Journal,  we  published  a
collection  of  dreams sent  to  us  by  subscribers  who
had  either followed our suggestion or used their own
methods   to  obtain  their  dreams'  viewpoint  on  our
experimental publication.  Now we are publishing two
more  sets  of  dreams from  our subscribers.  The first
set  are dreams that were obtained  in  anticipation of
Journal's  publication.   The  second   set  contains
those   dreams  obtained   after   the  subscribers  had
received the first issue of the
Journal. At the end of the
dreams   we   have  presented   some   brief  comments,
compiled from  the reactions of our editors.  We invite
your comments as well. (Please send us your reactions
to these dreams!)  We also extend the invitation again
to    you   and   your    dreams    to   comment   on   our
cooperative journal experiment.


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