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     What a correspondence! On the basis of the principle,
"as  above,  so  below,"   we   should   expect   to   find  as
productive a process as photosynthesis within the human
psyche and within the human community.

The Swastika

     I'll  include  this  report  with  a  dream  that  points to
further ramifications of the Sundance motif:

     One  of  my  young  relatives   who   has   psychokinetic
ability is revising  his ideas about  how his "powers" work.
He makes a paper model  of the concept  for me by taking
hold of a piece of paper in the middle and twisting it.

     The dreamer, Peggy Specht of Toronto, Canada, sent a
paper  sculpture  based  on  her  dream,  called  "The Four
Powers."  You can get  an intuitive "feel" for  the concept
of  the dream by imagining giving the paper a twist with a
snap of your fingers.
     Something that can be easily accomplished is a "snap."
The    image    points    to   the   myth    of   creation   by
psychokinesis-God creating  the world out  of His mind!


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