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     A  great brown bear  comes down  to  earth  from outer
space.  The  police  capture  the bear  and  take him inside
an  arena.  It  is night  outside,  but inside  the arena there
are  glaring  lights shining on the bear.  The arena is filled
with  many  people  who have come   to see this event. TV
cameras  are  everywhere  and  are  focused  on  the bear.
The  bear  is  strapped  up  against  the  back  wall  of  the
center  stage  and is  being tormented,  tortured.  There is
tremendous  power  in  the bear  and  also  in  the  mob all
around  him.  The situation  is tense,  as if  a  world  war is
about  to  erupt  if  the bear  is pushed  past  his  breaking
(L.H., Princeton, New Jersey)

     I  am  in  a  large  classroom  building  on  a  university
campus.  As  I  walk  downstairs,  the  building  begins  to
shake.  I  ask  a  person nearby what is happening and he
says that it is a "chronic earthquake." I hurry downstairs
to  escape  the  danger  of  a building collapse.  As  I walk
outside,   I   see  several   people  looking   up   and  hear
someone  proclaim  that a "saucer is landing."  I  look up
and see a bright,  light green orb  of light  near  the moon.
Both orbs  are about three quarters full.  Realizing that  I
am dreaming  and that the "saucer"  is actually the Light,
I raise my arms over my head  in a receptive gesture and
close my eyes.  A moment later  I  open my eyes to see if
the Light has approached.  Although  it  does  not  appear
closer, it has moved directly overhead.  As  I  look at it, it
begins  to "open  up"  like  a  window.  I  see  a  woman's
hands  preparing  a  potted  plant  which  I  know  is a gift.
Then,  as  the  "window"  continues  to  open,   I  see  her
preparing fresh bread.  Again  I know that it is a gift. The
window  approaches until  the woman  steps  out  amongst
us.  She  is  an  elderly,  slight, gray—haired  woman, who
—because   of   her  status  as   an  extra—terrestrial—is
regarded  by all of us as a sage. A great number of young
people  follow  her,  seeking  counsel.
 (G. S. S.,  Virginia
Beach, Virginia)

     Next appeared a great portent in heaven, a woman


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