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     Henry   Reed,  editor   of   the   Community    Dream
and Howard Schwartz, English professor at the
University  of  Missouri,  St. Louis  (see  page  212  and
page 228 for discussions of his work)  are collaborating
with   dreamers   to  create   The   Book   of   Dreams,  a
compilation  of the most interesting, inspiring, amusing,
frightening,  profound,   or  typical  dreams  that  can  be
found.   The  purpose   is  to create  a  book  that   allows
dreams to  express themselves  and  their natural view of
the psyche.
     They want  to collect  as many dreams as possible and
are  requesting your help. They  are seeking examples of
childhood  dreams, prophetic  dreams, recurrent  dreams
(and examples of recurrent symbolism in dreams), serial
dreams,    favorite    dreams,    and    especially    striking
dreams.  Besides  receiving  your  own dreams,  and they
encourage you  to  send several,  they  would  appreciate
being   told  of  dreams  from  other  sources,  published
works,  etc.,  that  might  be  included  in  the  collection.
     Every person whose dream  is chosen  for publication
will receive a free copy of The Book of Dreams.  As the
book   progresses,  portions   of   it   will  appear  in   our
Community Dream Journal.
     Dreams  that  are   submitted   anonymously   will   be
accepted.  Otherwise,   it  is  requested  that  you  please
 whether   you   want   your   dream   or   dreams
published    with    your    name,   just   your   initials,   or
anonymously.  Please   also  indicate  your  age  and   the
approximate dates of the dreams.
     All  submissions will be acknowledged, but no dreams
will be returned.  Hence, don't  send  your  only  copy  of
the dreams. Submissions that fail to indicate that consent
is given for publication cannot be considered.
     Address: The Book of Dreams, c/o Sundance.


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