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Magic Theater


Welcome   to   the   Magic   Theater:   A   Handbook  for
Exploring  Dreams.  By  Dick  McLeester. (P.O. Box 331,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002. $3.30 ppd.)

     McLeester's handbook is a cornucopia of information
on  the word  of  dreams,  dream  research  and education.
Many  fun  illustrations  and striking  graphics  appear  on
most  of  the book's 126 pages.  If you were to happen on
this book in  a store,  you would  snap it  up immediately,
surprised  and pleased  to discover  that there  is so much
going  on  today  with dreams.  However,  you  won't  find
this book  in a store—there were only 1000 copies made
of  this  privately  printed  handbook.  It  must be  ordered


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