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     Like   mutually   supportive   patrons,   dreams  and
creative  writing  enrich  one  another  while  fostering
growth  in  consciousness.  A   dream  journal,  itself  a
testimony   to   the  consciousness—creating  power  of
"the   word,"  naturally   encourages  and   provides   a
space   for   the   fruitful   interplay   of   these  creative
partners.   Creative   writing,   prompted   and   guided
by  the inner flow  of our  images and feelings,  can  be
both an impressive and expressive tool for discovering
and extending  our understanding  of the  dream's true
vision. And by their very nature,  dreams  are  creative
statements  themselves  and  so serve well  as seeds for
further artistic elaboration.

     Exploring   the  potential  and  implications  of   the
partnership   between   dreams  and   creative  writing
may teach  us something of  the  relationship  between
art and self—healing and of the central role creativity
plays in our transformation.

     What follows  is a  sampling  of  contributions  from
our  participating  subscribers, and  some supplement-
ary, instructional  material,  illustrating  a  variety  of
approaches to creative writing from dreams.  We  hope
that you'll give it a try yourself and, perhaps,  send  us
some   of  the  results.  The 
Community  Dream  Journal

would    especially  welcome  suggestions  and  instruc-
tional material on creative  writing  from  dreams  that
we can share with our readers.


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