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Henry Reed, Ph.D.

      Dream  symbols  are  like  personal energy releasers.
A group  of  symbols  from  several  dreams  can arrange
themselves  into  a dynamic map of consciousness. Here
we have the rudiments of a personal mythology.
      The  energizing  effect  of dream symbols is initially
encountered  in  the  context  of   the  dream  experience
itself.  Writing  down  the  dream,  reflecting upon it and
enacting  it  are  all  means  of cultivating the energy and
consciousness—transforming   power   of   the   dream's
symbols.   Our   eyes   are   especially   sensitive   to  the
vibrations  of  symbols  and so it is helpful to render our
dreams  and   their  symbols  into  visual  form.  Drawing
pictures  of  our  dreams  and  keeping  them  within  our
view,   such   as   posted   by  the  bed  or  over  the  desk,
transforms  the  dreams  into personally suited mantras,
visual meditations for working on consciousness.
     But beyond drawing the dreams themselves,  it is also
valuable  to  collect  symbols  from  various  dreams and
create collages, dream symbol mosaics. And by bringing
together symbols from different dreams,  a continuity in
the dreamlife is realized.  We can begin to tell our story
in the language  of  our  dreams  and discover the secrets
of mythology.


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