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      In these encounters my dream brings no judgments. I
feel neither guilt  nor shame,  pride nor power.  I  simply
feel how I am. Meaning is. It is only afterward that I may
respond   with   a  judgment,  perhaps  with  an  automatic
decision to persevere or to change course.
      One day,  the  phrase  "dream realization" came to me.
I  liked  the  sound  of  it,   as  it  reminded  me  of  "self-
realization."   Something   like   self-realization   is  what
happens   to   me   during  those  moments  when,  seeing
through   a   dream,   I  realize  the  truth  of  the  dream's
ultraconscious vision,  and  I  come into an awareness of
the presence of the Self.
      Reflecting  on  the  processes that invite moments of
dream   realization,   I   have   found   that  it  is  mentally
re-experiencing   the   dream   over  and  over  again  that
returns me to that frame of mind from which the dream's
perception arose.  Also  helpful  is  empathizing with the
images of the dream,  giving  them  voices  with which to
speak and eyes with which to see.  Along with its images,
the   dream   also   has   a   story,   a   meaning  within  its
narrative, having the thrust of an allegory,  requiring only
an  instant  to  grasp . Experiencing  my  life  in  terms of
the  images  and  story  of  my dream,  I am often granted
metaphysical  perceptions  and  discover  that  the dream
envisions even the most mundane  aspects  of  my life in
mythic dimensions.  I  realize that the Self that  I am, the
dreamer and creator  of  my life,  moves  in an expanded,
timeless consciousness,  in  contact  with  Olympus. The
dreams  become  for  me  seeds  which  have fallen from
the sky; and by nurturing them  I  grow  to new heights of
      Since  the  process  of  dream  realization is difficult
for  me  to  describe,  I  have  worked  to develop a more
concrete approach. The result has been "meditations" for
writing in a dream journal.  Keeping  a dream journal is a
tangible  method  for  providing  a reflective atmosphere
for  communing  with dreams.  Moreover,  while  journal
writing  involves  processes  that  are  easier  to  grasp, it
also  allows  for the elements of inspiration and surprise
that are essential to dream realization.


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