balance of forces between the two. The system as
whole has an important property, a certain
type of self-
generated creative stability. Using
the components of
the gyroscope as an outline, and
with the aid of a few
pictures and some contemporary dreams
I'll present a
brief synopsis of some universal symbols related
to the
mythological background of the Sundance motif.
Beginning with the axis, we have
the universal symbol
of the Tree of Life, which may symbolize creation,
human psyche as a
growth process, or the line of
communication between Heaven
and Earth. From
earliest times, the Tree of
Life has been pictorially
portrayed with people standing
around it, perhaps
tending to its needs. Often in
these pictures, there is
above the tree either the sun,
a winged figure, or a
winged figure within the sun, symbolizing
perhaps the
source and goal of the fertile inspiration
that gives rise
to the tree.